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Making Notes

Cleveland Aquaponics Co., LLC has a team of professional designers and builders.

Awesome stuff

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Aquaponics (/ˈækwəˈpɒnɪks/) as defined by


to refers to any system that combines conventional aquaculture (raising aquatic animals such as snails, fish, crayfish or prawns in tanks) with hydroponics (cultivating plants in water) in a symbiotic environment.

Aquaponics offers improvements over traditional soil based farming which regularly requires considerable water, insect sprays, fertilizer, tilling, weeding and finally in the end resulting in fallow garden soil and creating harmful byproducts from chemicals and sewage. It overcomes the issues of hard contaminated soils as well. In addition , vegetables, herbal products and fruits  are mass produced in a manner that come from seeds and crops engineered for  controlling, disease resistance and long shelf life.

Regionally produced food means considerably less energy used when in comparison to the use of heavy farm equipment dependent  oil and gas as well as the physical labor necessary to till, plant, weed, harvest, process, package, transport, and store food. Research shows the typical meal travels over 15K miles before being placed in front of you at the dinner table.  We presently  import from the other side of the globe “when we can raise fish  right here in our own backyard, providing food and jobs for the community. Which  allows control over various pests, destructive climate and permits food to be grown year round in areas which otherwise not able to produce any food vegetation.



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​'Aquaponics' food production systems are based on the integration of two established areas of food production – 'aquaculture', which is fish farming and 'hydroponics', which is the soil-less growing of compatible

Cleveland Aquaponics LLC owns the intellectual property for several greenhouse

design for aquaponics food production.

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